Medical Record Excerpts
Accurate and concise excerpts of a wide range of medical and legal files.
Whether you’re a doctor, an attorney, or an insurance professional, chances are you’re spending too much time or too much money on the tedious process of preparing major medical and legal files for review. DOCTUS can take the burden off your back, freeing up valuable time in your office for more important work. DOCTUS Record Excerpts Solutions add efficiency and profitability to medical evaluators, attorneys, record management companies, and any other firm handling large volumes of medical and legal files. Our XML-indexed formats and customizable layouts help us to create a finished product that is perfect for your specific business process. Our succinct medical excerpts provide at-a-glance accessibility to all prominent events in the file, outlined and indexed according to hospital stays, office visits, history of illness, physical examination results, diagnostics, medications, treatment plans, and more. Our narrative deposition summaries reduce pages of often redundant testimony down to a quick read that highlights only the relevant case information. And DOCTUS brings you all of this for a low, per-page cost that will make efficiency more affordable than ever.How It Works
We are so excited and proud of our product. It's really easy to create a landing page for your awesome product.Step 1:
You transmit a digital file to DOCTUS using our intuitive online web-portal. All transmissions are encrypted with AES 256.
Step 2:
DOCTUS analyzes and categorizes every piece of information and compiles a comprehensive excerpt, customized to your specifications.
Step 3:
The final excerpt is transmitted back to you using the same online portal, allowing you to download and save or print the file.